"Until recently, Americans have had few opportunities to drink wines from the Canaries. That has changed drastically in the last five years, thanks almost entirely to the hard work of one importer, José Pastor...No doubt, one of the major reasons we were so impressed with these wines was the work of Mr. Pastor himself in selecting them. He is a passionate proponent of distinctive regional styles and traditional methods, who avoids wines that have been subjected to the blurring influence of internationalization. Mr. Pastor...has an impressive portfolio from all over Spain."
- Eric Asimov, New York Times
- Eric Asimov, New York Times
"Importer José Pastor has been responsible for bringing some of Spain's most avant-garde wines to these shores, including some of my favorites values like the Guimaro wines from Ribeira Sacra. If you've seen wines from that particular part of Galicia, or from the Canary Islands, chances are good Pastor had a hand in it. His producers use traditional winemaking, indigenous yeast, little sulfur and so on."
- Jon Bonné, San Francisco Chronicle
- Jon Bonné, San Francisco Chronicle
"I found a few importers who are doing really innovative, compelling work in Spain. I was taken with what I tasted from José Pastor. A native of Valencia who now lives in the Bay Area, Pastor has a fabulous portfolio of Spanish wines, all of them distinctive, earthy, and brimming with personality."
- Mike Steinberger, Slate
- Mike Steinberger, Slate
“As José Pastor has emphatically proven with his lineup of top estates from less well-known regions, Spain remains a fertile hunting ground for traditionally made wines. I’m hard-pressed to think of another’s importer’s array of Spanish estates that is even remotely comparable in quality to those of Jose Pastor..."
- John Gilman, View From the Cellar
- John Gilman, View From the Cellar
"José Pastor, a relocated to California Valencian madman, has developed an astounding and brave portfolio over the past year. A collection of growers who have the power to open the door on freshness and excitement for Spanish wines. Jose has shown that there is another Spain, a Spain that could have been forgotten and lost and still exists. "
- Alice Feiring, The Feiring Line
- Alice Feiring, The Feiring Line
"Importer José Pastor is a wunderkind with a fast growing reputation amongst wine insiders for his portfolio of Spanish wines that are typically natural in style – producers who farm organically when possible, emphasize terroir, use ambient yeasts, filter sparingly and use minimal oak. In other words, his wines, and especially his inexpensive wine selections, are what is good with the wine world."
- Jeff Lefevere, Forbes
- Jeff Lefevere, Forbes
“José Pastor has, in a relatively short amount of time, revolutionized the Spanish wine market in the US. For too long, drinking Spanish wine has been problematic - while you can taste the potential, the wines simply aren't that good. Sometimes the wines are over-oaked; often, they are so over-processed that it is impossible to recognize any distinctive tastes, or tell where they are from. Then I discovered the wines that Pastor is importing and I finally saw the potential realized.”
- Scott Reiner, New York Daily News
- Scott Reiner, New York Daily News
Spanish Testimonials
"En los restaurantes más 'geeky' (es decir: más fanáticos del vino) de las dos costas de Estados Unidos o en tiendas como Chambers Street Wines, de Nueva York, se extasían ante los tintos de Valdeorras, de la Ribeira Sacra, del Ribeiro, de Monterrei o incluso -¡qué diría el buen enólogo!- de Rías Baixas que llevan allá importadores como el español José Pastor..."
- Víctor de la Serna, El Mundovino
- Víctor de la Serna, El Mundovino
"Desde Eric Asimov, crítico del New York Times, a la escritora Alice Feiring, famosa por su defensa de los vinos naturales, son muchas las voces de prestigio que reconocen el esfuerzo de José Pastor por incorporar a su catálogo a bodegueros que apuestan por la singularidad en un mundo cada vez más globalizado."
- Luis Díaz, La Voz de Galicia
- Luis Díaz, La Voz de Galicia
"Pero quién probablemente ha ampliado más el espectro de los vinos españoles en los últimos tiempos es José Pastor. Desde su sede en las afueras de San Francisco ha abogado por las regiones más desconocidas y los estilos menos convencionales. En lugar de apoyarse en puntuaciones (que, por cierto, no le interesan en absoluto), ha preferido hacer accesibles los tintos gallegos, los vinos canarios (grandes desconocidos también para los consumidores españoles) o recuperar regiones olvidadas como Cangas en Asturias. Su terquedad y devoción por estos productos únicos le han granjeado el respeto de muchos consumidores influyentes. Cualquiera que esté pensando en diseñar una carta de vinos españoles ecléctica en Estados Unidos, tendrá las selecciones de José Pastor en cabeza."
- Lucas Payá, Spanish Wine Lover
- Lucas Payá, Spanish Wine Lover